Collins et al. V. Acosta et al. - Page 1

              Filed by: Merits Panel                                                               Paper 28               
              Mail Stop Interference                                                                                      
              P.O. Box 1450                                                             Filed 16 March 2006               
              Alexandria Va 22313-1450                                                                                    
              Tel: 571-272-9797                                                                                           
              Fax: 571-273-0042                                                                                           
                               UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                                  
                                     BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                   
                                                AND INTERFERENCES                                                         
                          JORGE L. ACOSTA, MICHAEL P. SVETAL, MOHAMED A. SALIM                                            
                                    ROBERT W. RUDEEN, and CRAIG H. BONTLY                                                 
                                                       Junior Party1                                                      
                                                (Application 10/825,444),                                                 
                                  DONALD A. COLLINS, JR., DANIEL B. SEEVERS,                                              
                                      WAYNE L. ORWIG, and SCOTT B. HENRY                                                  
                                                       Senior Party                                                       
                                                    (Patent 6,854,647).                                                   
                                             Patent Interference No. 105,327                                              
              Before: MEDLEY, TIERNEY and MOORE, Administrative Patent Judges.                                            
              MEDLEY, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                        
                                                Judgment - Bd.R. 127(b)                                                   
                     On 16 March 2006, the board received from the party Collins a paper styled                           
              “CONCESSION OF PRIORITY BY PARTY COLLINS” (Paper 27), in which Collins concedes                             
              priority of the contested subject matter pursuant to Bd.R. 127(b)(3).                                       

              Although the parties’ accorded benefit dates are the same, Acosta is named the junior party for purposes of1                                                                                                          
              this proceeding.                                                                                            

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Last modified: November 3, 2007