Ex Parte Sienel et al - Page 1

                 The opinion in support of the decision being entered today was not written for publication and is not binding           
                                                          precedent of the Board.                                                        

                              UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                                                  
                                    BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                                   
                                                     AND INTERFERENCES                                                                   
                               Ex parte JURGEN SIENEL, DIETER KOPP, and ULF KNOBLICH                                                     
                                                        Appeal No. 2005-2429                                                             
                                                     Application No. 10/069,612                                                          
                                                               ON BRIEF                                                                  
                Before KRASS, RUGGIERO, and BARRY, Administrative Patent Judges.                                                         
                BARRY, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                                      

                        A patent examiner rejected claims 1-14.  The appellants appeal therefrom under                                   
                35 U.S.C. § 134(a).  We reverse.                                                                                         

                                                         I. BACKGROUND                                                                   
                        The invention at issue on appeal concerns telecommunications systems for vocal                                   
                commanding such as name dialing, command & control, and dictation.  (Spec. at abs.)                                      
                Telecommunication systems known to the appellants employ fixed capacity parameters                                       
                (e.g., a fixed bandwidth, a fixed sampling rate, or noise reduction always switched on or                                
                off) for vocal commanding.  (Id.)                                                                                        

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Last modified: November 3, 2007