Ex Parte Metzger - Page 1

                  The opinion in support of the decision being entered              
                    today was not written for publication and is not                
                          binding precedent of the Board.                           

                     UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                      
                         BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                         
                                 AND INTERFERENCES                                  
                             Ex parte LLOYD E. METZGER                              
                                Appeal No. 2006-0379                                
                             Application No. 10/315,780                             
                                      ON BRIEF                                      

         Before OWENS, DELMENDO, and FRANKLIN1, Administrative Patent               
         FRANKLIN, Administrative Patent Judge.                                     

                                 DECISION ON APPEAL                                 
              This is a decision on appeal from the examiner’s final                
         rejection of claims 40-45 and 49-53.  A copy of each of these              
         claims is set forth below:                                                 
         40.  An improved whole wheat flour prepared from peroxide                  
         bleached whole grains of wheat having a white color and a                  
         dietary fiber content of about 10% to 12%.                                 
         41.  The improved whole wheat flour of claim 40 substantially              
         free of any bromate bleaching agent.                                       
         1 The panel has not changed from the panel in related Appeal No.           
         2005-1454; rather a name change from Pawlikowski to Franklin has           

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Last modified: November 3, 2007