Ex Parte Munro et al - Page 1

                                   The opinion in support of the decision being entered                                 
                               today was not written for publication and is not binding                                 
                               precedent of the Board.                                                                  
                               UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                                
                                    BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                  
                                               AND INTERFERENCES                                                        
                                             Ex parte CALUM H. MUNRO,                                                   
                                     CHARLES M. KANIA and UMESH C. DESAI                                                
                                                 Appeal No. 2006-0483                                                   
                                                 Application 09/860,272                                                 
                                                      ON BRIEF                                                          
              Before GARRIS, WARREN and JEFFREY T. SMITH, Administrative Patent Judges.                                 
              WARREN, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                      
                                                  Decision on Appeal                                                    
                     This is an appeal under 35 U.S.C. § 134 from the decision of the examiner finally                  
              rejecting claims 1 through 4, 7 through 19, 23 through 25 and 27 through 31, all of the claims in         
              the application.                                                                                          
                     Claim 1 illustrates appellants’ invention of a coating composition and is representative of        
              the claims on appeal:                                                                                     
                     1.  A coating composition comprising a dispersion of particles comprising polymers                 
              produced from monomers having different glass transition temperatures, the difference in glass            
              transition temperatures ranging from 50 to 260°C, and exhibiting phase segregation between                
              areas of differing glass transition temperature within each particle, such that when said coating         
              composition is applied to a substrate, said particles form a geometrically ordered array and said         
              coating composition, when dried, is capable of dissipating frequencies of sound in the range of           
              about 400 to about 20,000 Hz.                                                                             
                     The references relied on by the examiner are:                                                      

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