Ex Parte LONGSTRETH - Page 1

               The opinion in support of the decision being entered today was not written for publication and is not binding
                                                   precedent of the Board                                              

                                UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                              
                                     BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                
                                                 AND INTERFERENCES                                                     
                                         Ex parte BILLIE JEAN LONGSTRETH                                               
                                                 Appeal No. 2006-2383                                                  
                                                Application 09/025,896                                                 
                                                        ON BRIEF                                                       
              Before OWENS, CRAWFORD and FETTING, Administrative Patent Judges.                                        
              OWENS, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                      

                                                 DECISION ON APPEAL                                                    
                     This appeal is from a rejection of claim 7, which is the only pending claim.                      
                                                    THE INVENTION                                                      
                     The appellant claims a cylindrical, non-powered, hand operated cabbage cutter, one                
              end of which has a closed top covered by a handgrip, and the other end of which is open                  
              and is filed or rubbed down to a smooth, thin, sharp cutting and chopping edge.  Claim 7 is              
              as follows:                                                                                              
                            Claim 7. I claim a cabbage cutter that is non-powered and        hand-operated             
              for cutting and chopping cabbage comprising a           hollow, metal, cylindrical body having           
              two ends and when placed       in a perpendicular position has a top and a bottom that are               
              connected by a cylindrical wall; the top is closed and has a          permanently affixed                

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Last modified: November 3, 2007