Ding et al. V. Singer et al. - Page 1

             BoxInterferences@uspto.gov Paper  57                                                              
             Telephone: 571-272-9797 Filed: August 24, 2007                                                    
                        UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                              
                             BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                
                                          AND INTERFERENCES                                                    
                                MING ZHONG DING, KIAN KEONG OOI,                                               
                                YANG QUAN CHEN, JACK MING TENG,                                                
                             SHUANG QUAN MIN, and BENG WEE QUAK,                                               
                                                 Junior Party                                                  
                                             (Patent 6,704,159),                                               
                                   NEIL SINGER, MARK TANQUARY,                                                 
                                          and KENNETH PASCH                                                    
                                                 Senior Party                                                  
                                          (Application 10/267,332).                                            
                                   Patent Interference No. 105,436 (SCM)                                       

             Before: JAMESON LEE, SALLY C. MEDLEY and JAMES T. MOORE,                                          
             Administrative Patent Judges.                                                                     
             MEDLEY, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                              
                                          Judgment - Bd.R. 127(b)                                              
                   A decision on preliminary motions has been rendered (Paper 56).  Consistent                 
             with Ding’s representation that it would not file a priority motion (Paper 19 at 2),              
             Ding did not file a priority statement.  There will not be a priority phase in the                
             interference, and it is therefore appropriate to enter judgment against Ding.                     
                   Accordingly, it is                                                                          

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Last modified: September 9, 2013