Ex Parte Vaartstra - Page 1

                         The opinion in support of the decision being entered today was not                                       
                          written for publication and is not binding precedent of the Board.                                      

                            UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                                             
                                   BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                             
                                                 AND INTERFERENCES                                                                
                                           Ex parte BRIAN A. VAARTSTRA                                                            
                                                     Appeal 2007-0918                                                             
                                                  Application 10/931,868                                                          
                                                  Technology Center 1700                                                          
                                                  Decided:  June 19, 2007                                                         
                   Before CHUNG K. PAK, THOMAS A. WALTZ, and                                                                      
                   JEFFREY T. SMITH, Administrative Patent Judges.                                                                
                   SMITH, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                            

                                                 DECISION ON APPEAL                                                               
                          This is an appeal under 35 U.S.C. § 134 from a final rejection of                                       
                   claims 1-30.  We have jurisdiction under 35 U.S.C. § 6 (2006).                                                 
                          According to Appellant, the invention is directed to a chemical vapor                                   
                   deposition system including a deposition chamber, and a vessel containing a                                    
                   precursor composition (Br. 2).  Claim 1 is illustrative of the invention and is                                
                   reproduced below:                                                                                              
                   1. A chemical vapor deposition system comprising:                                                              

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Last modified: September 9, 2013