Ex Parte Varanese et al - Page 1

                    The opinion in support of the decision being entered today is not binding                              
                                                precedent of the Board.                                                    
                           UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                                       
                                 BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                        
                                              AND INTERFERENCES                                                            
                                    Ex parte DONALD VINCENT VARANESE                                                       
                                         and MICHAEL DAVID HILSTON                                                         
                                                  Appeal 2007-2440                                                         
                                               Application 10/913,9021                                                     
                                               Technology Center 3700                                                      
                                              Decided: August 10, 2007                                                     
                  Before TEDDY S. GRON, CAROL A. SPIEGEL, and MARK NAGUMO,                                                 
                  Administrative Patent Judges.                                                                            
                  NAGUMO, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                     

                                              DECISION ON APPEAL                                                           

                  1 Application filed 6 August 2004.  The real-party-in-interest is listed as                              
                  Avery Dennison Corp.  (Br. at 2: all references to appellants' brief are to the                          
                  amended brief filed 16 August 2006.)                                                                     

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Last modified: September 9, 2013