Ex Parte Eisen et al - Page 1

                             This opinion is not binding precedent of the Board.                                
                        UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                               

                              BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                
                                          AND INTERFERENCES                                                     

                                Exparte BAYER MATERIALSCIENCE AG                                                

                                              Appeal 2007-3396                                                  
                                           Application 1 11008,592'                                             
                                           Technology Center 1700                                               

                                          Decided: August 29,2007                                               

                Before RICHARD TORCZON, SALLY GARDNER LANE, and                                                 
                MICHAEL P. TIERNEY, Administrative Patent Judges.                                               
                TORCZON, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                           

                                          DECISION ON APPEAL                                                    
                       The claims on appeal broadly relate to processes for the production of                   
                molded polyurethane articles having a compressed shell and a cellular core                      
                (integral-skin foams) using inorganic  zeolite^.^ All pending claims stand                      
                rejected. The appellant (Bayer) seeks review of the rejection. We affirm.                       

                1 Norbert Eisen, Hans-Detlef Arntz & Lutz Liebegott, Process for the                            
                production ofpolyurethane integral skin foams (filed 9 December 2004).                          
                2 Specification (Spec.) 1 :3-5.                                                                 

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