Indiana Code - Labor and Safety - Title 22, Section 22-10-12-1

Personal injuries; burns; medical attendance and treatment

Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of every owner or operator who is
engaged, within this state, in the business of removing any material
in the commercial operation of mines or quarries from underneath
the surface of the earth, to keep always on hand, readily accessible
and near the entrance of the place where such excavations are being
carried on, a properly constructed and comfortable stretcher; a
woolen and waterproof blanket; rolls of bandages of different widths,
in good condition for immediate use for bandaging and dressing the
wounds of any person who is injured at such place; a supply of
tannic acid powder for burns; camphor, turpentine, antiseptic gauze,
dressing and surgeon's splints for the dressing of broken bones; and
also to provide a comfortable apartment in which the aforementioned
supplies may be properly kept, and in which any person who is
injured may rest while awaiting transportation to his home or to a
hospital, and to provide for the speedy transportation of any person
who is injured in such industry to his home or to a hospital.
(Formerly: Acts 1935, c.130, s.1.)

Last modified: May 27, 2006