John C. Bedrosian and Judith D. Bedrosian - Page 1

                                 T.C. Memo. 2007-376                                  

                               UNITED STATES TAX COURT                                

              JOHN C. BEDROSIAN AND JUDITH D. BEDROSIAN, Petitioners v.               
                    COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, Respondent                      

               Docket No. 24581-06.              Filed December 26, 2007.             

               Richard E. Hodge, William E. Johnson, Steven R. Mather, and            
          Elliott H. Kajan, for petitioners.                                          
               Michael L. Boman, for respondent.                                      

                                 MEMORANDUM OPINION                                   

               VASQUEZ, Judge:  This case is before us on respondent’s                
          motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction.1  Respondent argues             

               1  This case involves the same or related parties as in                
          docket Nos. 12341-05 and 9664-07.  Docket No. 12341-05 is based             

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