US Code Title 43 Chapter 8A Grazing Lands

Subchapter I - Generally

§ 315 - Grazing Districts; Establishment; Restrictions; Prior Rights; Rights-of-way; Hearing and Notice; Hunting or Fishing Rights
§ 315a - Protection, Administration, Regulation, and Improvement of Districts; Rules and Regulations; Study of Erosion and Flood Control; Offenses
§ 315b - Grazing Permits; Fees; Vested Water Rights; Permits Not to Create Right in Land
§ 315c - Fences, Wells, Reservoirs, and Other Improvements; Construction; Permits; Partition Fences
§ 315d - Grazing Stock for Domestic Purposes; Use of Natural Resources
§ 315e - Rights of Way; Development of Mineral Resources
§ 315f - Homestead Entry Within District or Withdrawn Lands; Classification; Preferences
§§ 315g-315g-1 - Repealed. Pub. L. 94–579, Title Vii, §705(a), Oct. 21, 1976, 90 Stat. 2792
§ 315h - Cooperation With Associations, Land Officials, and Agencies Engaged in Conservation or Propagation of Wildlife; Local Hearings on Appeals; Acceptance and Use of Contributions
§ 315i - Disposition of Moneys Received; Availability for Improvements
§ 315j - Appropriation of Moneys Received; Application of Public-land Laws to Indian Ceded Lands; Application for Mineral Title to Lands
§ 315k - Cooperation With Governmental Departments; Coordination of Range Administration
§ 315l - Lands Under National-forest Administration
§ 315m - Lease of Isolated or Disconnected Tracts for Grazing; Preferences
§ 315m-1 - Lease of State, County, or Privately Owned Lands; Period of Lease; Rental
§ 315m-2 - Administration of Leased Lands
§ 315m-3 - Availability of Contributions Received
§ 315m-4 - Disposition of Receipts; Availability for Leasing of Land
§ 315n - State Police Power Not Abridged
§ 315o - Repealed. Pub. L. 89–554, §8(a), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 649
§ 315o-1 - Board of Grazing District Advisers; Composition; Meetings; Duties
§ 315o-2 - Animals and Equipment for Field Employees
§ 315p - Repealed. Pub. L. 94–579, Title Vii, §705(a), Oct. 21, 1976, 90 Stat. 2792
§ 315q - Withdrawal of Lands for War or National Defense Purposes; Payment for Cancellation of Permits or Licenses
§ 315r - Rental Payments in Advance in Case of Withdrawal of Lands for War or National Defense Purposes

Subchapter II - Alaska

§ 316 - Declaration of Policy
§ 316a - Definitions
§ 316b - Grazing Districts
§ 316c - Alteration of Grazing Districts
§ 316d - Notice of Establishment and Alteration of Grazing District; Hearings
§ 316e - Preferences
§ 316f - Terms and Conditions of Lease
§ 316g - Grazing Fees
§ 316h - Dispositions of Receipts
§ 316i - Assignment of Leases
§ 316j - Improvements to Leasehold
§ 316k - Penalties
§ 316l - Stock Driveways and Free Grazing
§ 316m - Hearing and Appeals
§ 316n - Administration
§ 316o - Laws Applicable

Last modified: October 26, 2015