Arkansas Code § 23-4-902 - Exemption From Rate Case Procedures, Etc

A co-op, as defined in § 23-4-901, shall not be subject to rate case procedures and hearings and other requirements of §§ 23-4-402 -- 23-4-405, 23-4-407 -- 23-4-418, and 23-4-620 -- 23-4-634 and Arkansas Public Service Commission regulations implementary thereof, hereafter referred to as "rate case procedures", by the commission unless:

(1) By action of its board of directors, the co-op elects to be subject to rate case procedures by the commission;

(2) A proposed change in the co-op's rates and charges exceeds ten percent (10%) of total gross revenues;

(3) Ten percent (10%) of the co-op's member-consumers petition the commission to apply rate case procedures; or

(4) As otherwise provided in this subchapter.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016