Arkansas Code § 26-35-703 - Discontinuance of Township Visits

(a) In all counties, including those having two (2) or more levying courts or two (2) or more judicial districts, in which the county collector is required by law to visit each precinct or township in the county for the purpose of collecting taxes due, the county collector shall not be required to make these visits but shall publish notice and collect the taxes as provided by ยง 26-35-702.

(b) In any county where the county collector is required to go to the various townships, he or she shall publish a notice in a newspaper stating that his or her visits to the several townships will be discontinued. The notice shall state where the taxes may be paid, and, where there are two (2) or more county sites, the notice shall advise the dates upon which taxes may be paid at the respective sites.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016