Arkansas Code § 26-37-101 - Transfer of Tax-Delinquent Lands

(a) (1) (A) All lands upon which the taxes have not been paid for one (1) year following the date the taxes were due, October 15, shall be forfeited to the state and transmitted by certification to the Commissioner of State Lands for collection or sale.

(B) The Commissioner of State Lands may accept an electronic certification of tax delinquent parcels from a county.

(2) Tax-delinquent lands shall not be sold at the county level.

(b) The county collector shall hold all tax-delinquent lands in the county for one (1) year after the date of delinquency, and, if the lands are not redeemed by the certification date, which shall be no later than July 1 of the following year, the county collector shall transmit it to the state by certification, after notice as provided in this chapter, indicating all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs due and the name and last known address of the owner of record of the tax-delinquent lands.

(c) Upon receipt of the certification, title to the tax-delinquent lands shall vest in the State of Arkansas in care of the Commissioner of State Lands.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016