Arkansas Code § 5-2-302 - Lack of Fitness to Proceed Generally

(a) No person who lacks the capacity to understand a proceeding against him or her or to assist effectively in his or her own defense as a result of mental disease or defect shall be tried, convicted, or sentenced for the commission of an offense so long as the incapacity endures.

(b) A court shall not enter a judgment of acquittal on the ground of mental disease or defect against a defendant who lacks the capacity to understand a proceeding against him or her or to assist effectively in his or her own defense as a result of mental disease or defect.

Section: 5-2-302  5-2-303  5-2-304  5-2-305  5-2-306  5-2-307  5-2-308  5-2-309  5-2-310  5-2-311  5-2-312  5-2-313  5-2-314  5-2-315  Next

Last modified: November 15, 2016