Ex parte MATSUDA et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 94-3857                                                          
          Application 07/740,708                                                      

          Kawashima and Diepers.                                                      
               We refer to the Brief and Reply Brief and to the Answer for            
          a complete exposition of the respective viewpoints expressed by             
          the appellants and the examiner concerning the above noted                  
               We cannot sustain this rejection.  As properly argued by the           
          appellants in their Briefs, the applied prior art contains no               
          teaching or suggestion concerning the desirability of or a                  
          methodology for decreasing both saturation induction and coercive           
          force in the easy axes direction from a surface of the magnetic             
          recording medium to the nonmagnetic substrate which is a                    
          requirement of all the appealed claims.  Further, none of the               
          applied references nor the nonapplied Sugita patent referred to             
          on page 6 of the Answer reasonably supports the examiner’s                  
          inherency position.  See Ex parte Skinner, 2 USPQ2d 1788, 1789              
          (Bd.Pat.App. & Int. (1986) (examiner must provide evidence or               
          scientific reasoning to establish the reasonableness of his                 
          belief that functional limitation is inherent characteristic of             
          prior art).  Further details regarding these deficiencies of the            
          examiner’s rejection may be found in the appellants’ Briefs of              


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Last modified: November 3, 2007