Ex parte CARL V. FORSLUND III, et al. - Page 2

                Appeal No. 97-1019                                                                                                            
                Application 08/063,463                                                                                                        

                have been (1) objected to since they depend from rejected parent                                                              
                claims and (2) indicated as being allowable subject to the                                                                    
                requirement that they be rewritten to include all the subject                                                                 
                matter of the claims from which they depend.   We reverse.                2                                                   
                         The appellants’ invention pertains to (1) a utility                                                                  
                distribution system for open office plans, (2) a utility post for                                                             
                distributing utilities from a prefabricated floor construction to                                                             
                a workstation and (3) a utility distribution kit for open office                                                              
                plans.  Independent claims 1, 34 and 57 are further illustrative                                                              
                of the appealed subject matter and read as follows:                                                                           

                         2The body of the final rejection inconsistently indicated                                                            
                that claims 11, 12 and 26 were both rejected and objected to as                                                               
                being allowable subject to the requirement that they be rewritten                                                             
                to include all the subject matter of the claims from which they                                                               
                depend.  However, the summary on page 1 of the final rejection                                                                
                made it clear that claims 11, 12 and 26 were objected to, and not                                                             
                rejected.  Although page 3 of the answer includes claims 11, 12                                                               
                and 26 in the “rejected” claims, it appears that the examiner                                                                 
                simply copied what was set forth in the body of the final                                                                     
                rejection, thereby inadvertently including claims 11, 12 and 16.                                                              
                In any event, the appellants in the brief under the “STATUS OF                                                                
                CLAIMS” have included claims 11, 12 and 26 in the “objected to”                                                               
                claims (and not the “rejected” claims) and the examiner on page 1                                                             
                of the answer has stated that the statement of the status of the                                                              
                claims contained in the brief is correct.  Accordingly, we                                                                    
                conclude that both the appellants and examiner agree that claims                                                              
                11, 12 and 26 are “objected to” and not “rejected.”  This                                                                     
                interpretation is reinforced by the fact that the file wrapper                                                                
                under the “INDEX OF CLAIMS” indicates that claims 11, 12 and 26                                                               
                are “objected to.”                                                                                                            

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