Ex parte ASANUMA - Page 19

          Appeal No. 96-1920                                                          
          Application 08/218,136                                                      

          different that there would be no motivation to use Furukawa’s               
          technique in the Takahashi ’785 steering control system.  As                
          appellant points out, Furukawa is uniquely designed for use in              
          a system where the steered angle ratio between the rear and                 
          front wheels is modified based on various operating parameters              
          of the vehicle.  Thus, Furukawa is uniquely concerned with a                
          vehicle having steering wheels in the front and the back and                
          with the controlling of the rear steering wheels based on the               
          measured operating parameters.  We agree with appellant that                
          there is no suggestion within the applied references to apply               
          teachings of Furukawa to the Takahashi ’785 control system.                 
          Therefore, we do not sustain this rejection of claims 3-7.                  
          We now consider the rejection of claims 8-12 under                          
          35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over the teachings of                 
          Takahashi ’785 in view of Furukawa, and further in view of                  
          Nishikawa.  The examiner has addressed the recitations of                   
          these claims and the obviousness of the differences between                 
          these claims and the applied references on pages 10-11 of the               
          answer.    Appellant again argues that there is no suggestion               
          to combine the teachings of Takahashi ’785 with Furukawa and                


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