Ex parte MURAI et al. - Page 25

                 Appeal No. 1998-1533                                                                                    Page 25                        
                 Application No. 08/411,202                                                                                                             

                          Similar to our determination set forth above with respect                                                                     
                 to claim 5, it is our it is our determination that the                                                                                 
                 broadest reasonable meaning of                                                                                                         
                          each friction pad member of said brake shoes has an upper                                                                     
                          portion with a total width determined to be less than                                                                         
                          substantially 1/12 of the circumferential length of said                                                                      
                          disc rotor at a position where said rotor is brought into                                                                     
                          frictional engagement with the upper portion of said                                                                          
                          friction pad member                                                                                                           
                 is that each friction pad member has a total width less than                                                                           
                 substantially 1/12 of a circumferential length of the disc                                                                             
                 rotor at a position where the disc rotor is brought into                                                                               
                 frictional engagement with the upper portion of each friction                                                                          
                 pad member.                                                                                                                            
                 To apply the meaning sought by the appellants  would, in our                     9                                                     
                 view, be improperly reading limitations from the specification                                                                         
                 into the claims.                                                                                                                       


                          9The appellants argue that the meaning should be that the                                                                     
                 total width of all the friction pad members is less than                                                                               
                 substantially 1/12 of the circumferential length of the disc                                                                           

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