Ex parte SICKING et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 2000-0523                                                        
          Application 08/583,307                                                      

               The examiner’s criticism of claims 2 and 8 as being                    
          indefinite simply because the functional limitations therein                
          are not supported by a corresponding recitation of structure                
          is also unsound.  There is nothing intrinsically wrong with                 
          defining something by what it does rather than by what it is.               
          In re Hallman, 655 F.2d 212, 215, 210 USPQ 609, 611 (CCPA                   
          1981); In re Swinehart, 439 F.2d 210, 213, 169 USPQ 226, 228                
          (CCPA 1971).                                                                

               As for examiner’s comments relating to claims 9 and 10,                
          the phrases at issue clearly refer back to the corresponding                
          phrases in parent claims 1 and 2, and the meaning of the first              
          and second set of characteristics recited in claim 9 is                     
          readily apparent given the detailed definition thereof in the               

               Thus, the examiner’s position that the subject matter                  
          recited in claims 1 through 17 is indefinite is not well                    


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