Ex parte FARRIS - Page 25

          Appeal No. 2000-0526                                                        
          Application No. 08/818,958                                                  

          embodiment of the subject matter of claims 13 and 14 of the                 
          Farris I patent is formed with a wide central portion which                 
          tapers towards the outlet (tip 18a) and towards the gas                     
          passageway (passage 22a) (note column 3, lines 25-29 and 39).               
          Moreover, such tapering of the container or body portion of a               
          plungerless syringe was conventional in the art at the time of              
          the appellant's invention, as evidenced by Farris II.                       
          Accordingly, such tapering is not a patentable distinction                  
          over the method of claims 13 and 14 of Farris I.                            
               For the foregoing reasons, we find ourselves in agreement              
          with the examiner that the subject matter of claims 3 and 9 on              
          appeal is not patentably distinct from the subject matter of                
          claims 13 and 14 of the Farris I patent.  Accordingly, we                   
          shall sustain the examiner's obviousness-type double patenting              
          rejection of claims 3 and 9, as well as claim 10 which falls                
          with claim 3 in light of the appellant's failure to separately              
          argue the patentability of claim 10 apart from claim 3.                     


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