DEATON et al. - Page 2

                            FURTHER ORDERED that senior party, MICHAEL R. O’BRIEN, GEORGE W. OFF and                                                                
                   TIMOTHY L. CHERNEY,  is not entitled to a patent containing claims 1, 3-6, 8, 10, 13-21, 23-24,                                                  
                   27-35, 37-43, and 45-67 (corresponding to Count 1) of Application 08/498,654; and                                                                
                            FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this judgment be made of record in Application                                                           
                   08/498,654 and in the file of Patent 5,388,165.                                                                                                  

                                                RICHARD E. SCHAFER                              )                                                                   
                                                Administrative Patent Judge                     )                                                                   
                   ______________________________) BOARD OF PATENT                                                                                                  
                                                JAMESON LEE                                     )         APPEALS AND                                               
                                                Administrative Patent Judge                     )         INTERFERENCES                                             
                                                SALLY C. MEDLEY                                 )                                                                   
                                                Administrative Patent Judge                     )                                                                   

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Last modified: November 3, 2007