Ex parte ALSOP et al. - Page 3

              Appeal No. 1995-3232                                                                                        
              Application 07/954,686                                                                                      

                     (2) whether the examiner erred in rejecting claims 41, 42 and 44 under 35 U.S.C. §                   
              103 as unpatentable over Milner.                                                                            

                     Our deliberations in this matter have included evaluation and review of the following                
                     (1) the instant specification, including Figures 1 through 5 and all of the claims on                
                     (2) applicants' main Brief (Paper No. 44), Reply Brief (Paper No. 46), and                           
              Supplemental Reply Brief (Paper No. 50);                                                                    
                     (3) the Examiner's Answer (Paper No. 45), the communication mailed by the                            
              examiner August 30, 1994 (Paper No. 47), the Supplemental Examiner's Answer (Paper                          
              No. 49), and the communication mailed May 12, 1999 (Paper No. 52); and                                      
                     (4) the above-cited Milner reference.                                                                
                     On consideration of the record, including the above-listed materials, we reverse                     
              both of the examiner's rejections.                                                                          

                                        35 U.S.C. § 112, FIRST PARAGRAPH                                                  


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