Ex parte KATO et al. - Page 24

          Appeal No. 1998-2817                                                        
          Application No. 08/455,366                                                  

          ‘undue experimentation’” (In re Wright, 999 F.2d 1557, 1561,                
          27 USPQ2d 1510, 1513 (Fed. Cir. 1993)).                                     
               All of the claims call for a maximum magnitude of decay                
          over three cycles which is “less than about” a specified                    
          number of grams at a specified extension.  Thus, the range in               
          each claim includes zero grams at the specified extension.                  
          However, the appellants’ specification only provides two                    
          working examples, i.e., Embodiment 1 in which the elastic                   
          member is joined to the sleeve member at the seams 34 and                   
          Embodiment 2, similar to                                                    
          Embodiment 1, except that the elastic member is intermittently              

          joined to the elongate sleeve member by a pattern of 1.27                   
          centimeter (0.5 inch) wide adhesive zones separated by 1.27                 
          centimeter wide zones with no adhesive.  Referring to Tables 1              
          and 13 in the appellants’ specification, closed-loop waist                  
          elastic systems constructed according to the teachings of                   
          Embodiment 1, had a maximum magnitude of decay of less than                 
          about 59.18 grams in an extension range of about 300                        
          millimeters over the first three cycles while closed-loop                   
          waist elastic systems constructed according to the teachings                

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