Ex parte ZWEIG - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1999-0604                                                        
          Application 08/575,477                                                      

          wires being to "rigidify the structure" of the cable way (col.              
          2, lines 40 to 44).  From Fig. 5, the diameter of wire 10                   
          appears to be less than the diameter of wires 8 and 9.                      
               Notwithstanding Simon's lack of disclosure that bottom                 
          longitudinal wires 8 should or may be of different diameters,               
          the examiner concludes that such a modification of Simon would              
          have been obvious in view of Simon's teaching "that it is                   
          known to have longitudinal wires and/or transverse wires                    
          having different cross sections and different diameter sizes .              
          . . than that [sic: those] of the other longitudinal wires"                 
          (answer, page 4).  The examiner also states at pages 6 to 8 of              
          the answer:                                                                 
               In response to the applicant's arguments the                           
               examiner admits that Simon does not disclose at                        
               least one intermediate bottom longitudinal wires                       
               [sic] having a cross sectional area less than that                     
               of the said sidemost bottom longitudinal wires.  But                   
               . . . it would have been an obvious matter of design                   
               choice to [provide?] at least one intermediate                         
               bottom longitudinal wires [sic] having a cross                         
               sectional area less than that of the said sidemost                     
               bottom longitudinal wires, since such a modification                   
               would have involved a mere change in the size of the                   
               diameter of a component.  A change in size is                          
               generally recognized as being                                          


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