Ex parte RIPLEY et al. - Page 8

          Appeal No. 1998-2726                                                         
          Application 08/440,991                                                       

          we will not sustain the rejection of claim 1 or of claims 2-8                
          and 13, which depend therefrom.                                              
               Claims 9 and 10, which also depend from claim 1, stand                  
          rejected as being unpatentable over the references cited                     
          against claim 1 taken further in view of Courtney, which is                  
          cited for its teaching of supplying water to the plants in a                 
          growing module.  Be that as it may, Courtney does not                        
          alleviate the shortcoming discussed above with regard to the                 
          application of the teachings of the European reference and                   
          Ryder to claim 1.  Thus, a prima facie case of obviousness is                
          lacking with regard to claims 9 and 10, and we will not                      
          sustain this rejection.                                                      
               Likewise, the Swiss reference, which was added to the                   
          basic combination of references against dependent claims 11                  
          and 12, Tomarin, added against dependent claim 14, and Aoyama,               
          added with regard to dependent claim 15, fail to cure the                    
          defect explained above with regard to the rejection of                       
          independent claim 1.  This being the case, these rejections                  
          also cannot be sustained.                                                    
               Claim 16 has been rejected as being unpatentable over the               
          European patent in view of Tomarin.  As expressed in this                    

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Last modified: November 3, 2007