KAMB v. CARSON et al - Page 3

          cc (via First Class Mail):                                                  
          Attorneys for Kamb                                                          
          (real party in interest                                                     
          Myriad Genetics, Inc.):                                                     
               Bart G. Newland, Esq.                                                  
               Joseph A. Hynds, Esq.                                                  
               ROTHWELL, FIGG, ERNST & KURZ                                           
               Columbia Square                                                        
               Suite 701, East Tower                                                  
               555  13th  Street, N.W.                                                
               Washington, D.C.  20004                                                
               Tel:      202-783-6040                                                 
               Fax:      202-783-6031                                                 
               E-mail:   bnewland@rfek.com                                            
               E-mail:   jhynds@rfek.com                                              

          Attorneys for Carlson                                                       
          (real party in interest                                                     
          The Regents of the University                                               
          of California):                                                             
               Edward J. Keeling, Esq.                                                
               Kevin L. Bastian, Esq.                                                 
               TOWNSEND and TOWNSEND and CREW LLP                                     
               Two Embarcadero Center, 8th Floor                                      
               San Francisco, CA  94111-3834                                          
               Tel:      415-576-0200                                                 
               Fax:      415-576-0300                                                 
               E-mail:   lls@townsend.com                                             
          Attorneys for non-parties Beach and                                         
          Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (see Paper 70):                               
               Patent Group                                                           
               FOLEY, HOAG & ELIOT, LLP                                               
               One Post Office Square                                                 
               Boston, MA  02109-2170                                                 

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Last modified: November 3, 2007