Ex parte BURKE et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 1997-2467                                       Page 2           
          Application No. 08/509,753                                                  

          taken at runtime that could not be accomplished with a static               
               Common Lisp (CL) is a dynamic language.  It features                   
          three types of functional objects: generic functions, ordinary              
          functions, and methods.  An ordinary function cannot be added               
          to a generic function.  A method cannot be invoked outside a                
          generic function, except in the very restricted context of                  
          method combination, and then only using specialized syntax.                 
          Besides these restrictions, however, ordinary functions and                 
          methods provide the same functionality to a user.  The                      
          distinction therebetween complicates CL.                                    

               The appellants’ invention aims to allow a functional                   
          object in a dynamic language to be used as both a directly-                 
          invoked ordinary function and as a method in a generic                      
          function.  Their method object contiguously comprises a                     
          header, a method-information field, a function prolog field,                
          and a method body.  When called as a component of a generic                 
          function, an entry point is at the method body or at the                    
          method-information section.  When called directly, another                  
          entry point exists at the function prolog field.  By combining              

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Last modified: November 3, 2007