Ex parte HODSON et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1998-0888                                                        
          Application 08/314,036                                                      

          drivers permit, but do not positively require, the emitter                  
          plates (or at least a row and column on each emitter plate) to              
          be independently controlled; compare claims 2 and 4 wherein                 
          the controller operates a first emitter plate or a first                    
          section of the single anode independently.  The Examiner finds              
          that Spindt teaches "at least two row drivers and at least two              
          column drivers coupled to said controller (figure 4, item 28                
          and 29)" (EA4).                                                             
               Figure 4 shows a single block 28 of base (row) drivers                 
          and a single block 29 containing gate (column) drivers, where               
          there are three gates to be energized for each base (col. 5,                
          lines 2-7).  Compare this to Appellants' figure 2 where there               
          are four emitter plates 50, 60, 70, and 80, each having its                 
          own row driver block and column driver block.  However, there               
          must be a driver for each base and three drivers for each                   
          column in Spindt; this is why, for example, block 29 refers to              
          "GATE DRIVERS" (plural).  The claim limitations to "row                     
          drivers" and "column drivers" are broad enough to refer to                  
          these individual row and column drivers, rather than an                     
          aggregation of individual row and column drivers.                           
          Nevertheless, Spindt still lacks plural emitter plates.                     

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