Ex Parte WILSON et al - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1998-2228                                                        
          Application No. 08/523,405                                                  

          ability to absorb or react with sulfur dioxide.  We find this               
          line of argument unconvincing for a number of reasons.  First,              
          Koberstein does not require annealing temperatures as high as               
          1,000 C.  Annealing may be conducted at lower temperatureso                                                                      
          according to Koberstein (col. 2, ll. 3-5; examples 6-9).  Second,           
          appellants have not shown that annealing, at least at the lower             
          end of the temperature range of Koberstein, would completely                
          negate the ability of the cerium oxide catalyst to absorb or                
          react with sulfur dioxide.  Third, in view of the teachings of              
          Murrell, one of ordinary skill in the art would expect that use             
          of cerium oxide microdomain structures in the Koberstein catalyst           
          would, if anything, enhance surface area stability at high                  
                                       IV., V.                                        
               With regard to the other rejections under 35 U.S.C.                    
          § 103(a), we are in substantial agreement with the examiner’s               
          position, as adequately set forth in the examiner’s answer (pages           
          6-7 and 11-13).  Accordingly, we adopt that position as our own.            

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