Ex parte NELSON et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 1998-3342                                       Page 9           
          Application No. 08/540,943                                                  

          Appellant can find no teaching in Sasaki of overlapping                     
          reception ranges.”  (Appeal Br. at 9.)  Claims 2 and 5 specify              
          in pertinent part the following limitations: "adjusting                     
          sensitivity of the receiver by attenuating signals received by              
          the antenna, wherein the reception ranges for the plurality of              
          receivers are adjusted to overlap to permit continuous                      
          tracking of the plurality of transmitters within the reception              
          ranges.”  Similarly, claims 3 and 6 specify in pertinent part               
          the following limitations: “an attenuator, inserted between a               
          receiver of the plurality of receivers and its associated                   
          antenna for adjusting the reception range which the antenna                 
          receives, wherein the reception range of each of the plurality              
          of receivers is adjustable for controlling overlap of                       
          reception ranges.”  Accordingly, claims 2, 3, 5, and 6 require              
          adjusting reception ranges of antennae to control overlap of                
          reception ranges of respective associated receivers.                        

               The examiner fails to show a teaching or suggestion of                 
          the limitations in the prior art of record.  As explained                   
          regarding the first group of claims, Sasaki’s variable                      
          attenuators are adjusted to achieve a linear input-output                   

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