Ex parte KOMATSU et al. - Page 2

             Appeal No. 1999-1319                                                                                   
             Application No. 08/495,390                                                                             

             electrodes spaced relative to each other.  The surface of the sensitive member is touched              
             by a finger and movement of the finger over the surface of the dielectric sensitive member             
             causes the capacitance of the device to change.                                                        
                    Representative independent claim 1 is reproduced as follows:                                    
                    1.   A sensitive coordinate input device comprising:                                            
                           at least two electrodes spaced relative to each other at an interval;                    
                           a sensitive member made of a dielectric, said sensitive member                           
                    extending across said at least two electrodes, with a surface of said                           
                    sensitive member adapted to be touched with a finger.                                           
                    The examiner relies on the following reference:                                                 
                    Tanahashi et al. (Tanahashi)             5,589,857           Dec. 31, 1996                      
                                                                           (filed Nov. 29, 1994)                    
                    Claims 1-4 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as anticipated by Tanahashi.                 
             Two other rejections under 35 U. S. C. § 102 have been withdrawn by the examiner and                   
             are not before us.                                                                                     
                    Reference is made to the briefs and answers for the respective positions of                     
             appellants and the examiner.                                                                           
                    With regard to the independent claims, the examiner points out that Tanahashi                   
             discloses a coordinate input device with at least two electrodes (claim 1) and as much                 


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