Ex parte SEVERN - Page 11

            Appeal No. 2001-0014                                                  Page 11              
            Application No. 09/070,899                                                                 
            VanZeghbroeck nor Sato ‘414 discloses bonding a chip with                                  
            solder upon a ceramic substrate and using the active device                                
            chip as one of the walls for hermetically sealing the                                      
                  We further find that Chen discloses a method of bonding                              
            a silicon chip having a cavity to an insulating glass                                      
            substrate which hermetically seals the cavity and the                                      
            conductive feedthrough line formed on the substrate.  The                                  
            bonding requires                                                                           

            field-assisted bonding technique that heats a layer of silicon                             
            oxide facing at high temperature while the chip and the                                    
            substrate are pressed together under application of a voltage                              
            (col. 4, lines 34-38).  Thus, the feedthrough line of Chen is                              
            actually insulated within the facing layer and sandwiched                                  
            between the chip and the substrate.  Furthermore, the device                               
            of Chen is a capacitive pressure sensor that includes only a                               
            cavity in silicon chip having a thinned down portion and an                                
            electrode for converting pressure to electrical signals (col.                              
            3, line 31).  Therefore, unlike an array of opto-electronic                                
            devices as recited in the appellant’s claim 6, no active                                   

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