Ex Parte ZACHARIAS - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2001-0220                                                        
          Application No. 09/244,044                                                  

          find that the examiner has committed reversible error in                    
          dismissing the claim limitation concerning the dam and not                  
          establishing, prima facie, that the tundish/dam arrangement of              
          Schmidt meets the claim limitation.                                         
               As for the § 102 rejection of claims 30 and 31, we do not              
          agree with appellants that the claim language "said dam having              
          holes consisting essentially of a pair of holes substantially               
          uniformly spaced across the width of said dam" provides a                   
          patentable distinction over Schmidt.  We say this because it is             
          not clear what meaning to ascribe to the language "substantially            
          uniformly spaced across the width of said dam," i.e., does the              
          language mean that each of two holes have to be equally spaced              
          from the nearest side edge of the dam, or must the two holes be             
          positioned at locations one-third and two-thirds of the width of            
          the dam.  Also, it is not clear to us that the claim language               
          does not encompass any pair of holes depicted by Schmidt that are           
          uniformly spaced across the width of the dam.  However, we cannot           
          sustain this rejection because appellant's argument that "there             
          clearly and unequivocally is no teaching of the 25 mm-50% of the            
          height of the dam limitation set forth in claim 30" (page 10 of             
          principal brief, second paragraph) has not been addressed by the            
          examiner.  Our review of the examiner's rejection and Response in           


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