Ex Parte KATAYAMA - Page 1

                           The opinion in support of the decision being entered today was not written          
                                  for publication and is not binding precedent of the Board.                   
                                                                                       Paper No. 34            
                         UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                             
                              BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                               
                                           AND INTERFERENCES                                                   
                                         Ex parte HIDEYUKI KATAYAMA                                            
                                              Appeal No. 2001-1467                                             
                                           Application No. 08/687,039                                          
                                              HEARD: July 9, 20021                                             
             Before HAIRSTON, JERRY SMITH, and BARRY, Administrative Patent Judges.                            
             BARRY, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                               

                                             DECISION ON APPEAL                                                
                   A patent examiner rejected claims 2-15.  The appellant appeals therefrom under              
             35 U.S.C. § 134(a).  We reverse.                                                                  
                   The appellant‘s invention is a radio pager that generate alert tones                        
             corresponding to musical notes coded in a paging signal.  A conventional paging signal            
             sent from a base station  to a radio pager includes an address and a message.  The                
             pager compares the address in the received signal with its own address; if the two                

                   1 The examiner declined an invitation to explain the rejections at the oral hearing.        

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Last modified: November 3, 2007