Ex Parte HENRY - Page 24

          Appeal No. 2001-2205                                                        
          Application 09/228,987                                                      

          harness/garment (4)) that is structurally the same as that                  
          broadly defined in the claims on appeal and which clearly has the           
          capability of being used in the manner set forth in those claims.           
          Thus, appellant’s arguments are not persuasive of error in the              
          examiner’s rejections of claims 1 and 5 through 7 on appeal.                
          Accordingly, the rejection of claims 6 and 7 under 35 U.S.C.                
          § 103 based on Johnson will be sustained.                                   

          As was made clear in In re Schreiber, 128 F.3d at 1477, 44                  
          USPQ2d at 1431, by choosing to define an element functionally as            
          in appellant’s claim 1 on appeal, appellant assumes a risk, that            
          risk being that where the Patent and Trademark Office has reason            
          to believe that a functional limitation asserted to be critical             
          for establishing novelty in the claimed subject matter may, in              
          fact, be an inherent characteristic of the prior art, it                    
          possesses the authority to require the applicant to prove that              
          the subject matter shown to be in the prior art does not possess            
          the characteristic relied upon.  In the present case, appellant             
          has provided no evidence to prove that the device in Johnson is             
          not capable of being used in the manner set forth in claim 1 on             


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