Ex Parte MURG - Page 8

          Appeal No. 2002-1888                                                        
          Application No. 09/185,493                                                  

          application), and Ries2.  While Brimmer reveals the tool                    
          alternative in the art of not completely severing a sheath, each            
          of the Miller and Ries patents evidence the knowledge in the art            
          of the tool alternative of completely severing a sheath.  The               
          examiner should determine whether it would have been obvious to             
          one having ordinary skill in the art, when appellant’s invention            
          was made, to configure the knife blades of Brimmer to effect a              
          complete sheath severing in light of the known alternative in the           
          art of complete sheath severing, as taught by each of Miller and            

               In summary, this panel of the board has reversed each of the           
          rejections on appeal, and remanded the application for                      
          consideration of the matter discussed above.                                

               2 U.S. Patent No. 1,800,317 to Ries et al (Ries), a copy of            
          which is appended to this decision.                                         

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