SHERF et al. V. BRONSTEIN et al. V. BRONSTEIN et al. - Page 7

                         United States Patent (191 pli Patent Number: 4,931,223                                                                                  
                         Bronstein et al. [451 Date of Patent: Jun. 5, 1990                                                                                      

                         [541 MEMODS OF USING Zaklika, "Mechanisms... ", J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 100,                                                                
                               CHUMMUMINESCENT 1,2,DIOXL-rANES 4916 (1978).                                                                                      
                         [751 Inventors: Ireua Y. Bronstein, Newton; John C Schaap, "Chemiluminescence . J. Amer. Chem.                                          
                                          Voyta, North Reading, both of M&U: Soc., 104,3504 (19B2).                                                              
                         [73] Assignee* Tropix, Inc, Bedford, Mam Schaap, "Substituted Effects . . - Tetrahedron Lett.                                           
                                                                                  2943 (1982).                                                                   
                         [21] Appl. No.: 213,344 Adam et al., "Thermal Stability... ", Chem. Ber., 116,                                                          
                        [22] Filed: Jun. 30, L988 839(1983).                                                                                                     
                                                                                  Pdmmy Examiner-Mary C. Lee                                                     
                                    Related U.S. Application Datit Asx&ant Examiner-Catherine Scalzo                                                             
                        [631 Cominuation-in-pint of Ser. No. 989,823, JuL 24,19K Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Lyon & Lyon                                            
                               and a 0011tinutflim-10-put of Ser. No. 140,035, Dec. 31, (57] AB9rRACr                                                            
                               1987, and a conthmationwin-paft of Ser. No. 140,197,                                                                              
                               Dec. 31,1987, abandoned. Processes we disclosed in which fight of different wave                                                  
                        1511 lot CL5 ................CWM 3W/04; C07D 407/04 lengths is simultaneously released from two or more                                     
                        152] U.S. ...............        .......25 00. 435/4; e=ymaticay decomposable chicinfluminescent 1,2                                       
                                                        435/5; 435" , dioxetime compouncia, said compounds being config                                          
                       [581 Field of Seasick .................252/700, 435/4, 5, 7, ured, by in-- of the inclusion of a different light emit                          
                                       436/537; 549/23, 332, 401, 404, 546/18; ting fluorophore in each of them. to each emit light of                           
                                                        560/117,138; 568/326 said different wavelengilis, by decomposing each of                                 
                       [561 References Cited laid compounds by meam; of a different enzymm Such                                                                  
                                                                                  processes can be used in muluýchannel assays-ma.                               
                                   U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Munoamys, chemical. assays and miclac acid probe                                                        
                            3,720,622 3/1973 Bollyky ..........................._ 252/700 aa`nYs--t0 detect the presence or determine the concen                             
                            4,663,278 5/1987 DiNollo ............................435/7 tr9fi0n Of ChtlViCal or biological substances, and in                              
                                                                                  multi-chan-el chemical/physical probe procedures for                           
                                    OTHER PUBLICATIONS studying the microstractures of macromolecules.                                                           
                       7"llin' "Mechanism Ph-tochem. Photobial. 30,                                                                                              
                       35(1979). 19 Clams, No Drawings                                                                                                           

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