Ex Parte JALETT et al - Page 23

          Appeal No. 2001-0421                                                        
          Application 08/926,835                                                      

          page 8.  It is their view that “[t]he claims should actively                
          recite the steps of adding each of the individual components of             
          the reaction mixture.”  Id., pages 8-9.  In expressing this view,           
          the majority refers to Ex parte Erlich, 3 USPQ2d 1011 (Bd. Pat.             
          App. & Int. 1986), Anglo-American Extrusion Co. v. Ladd, 226 F.             
          Supp. 295, 300, 140 USPQ 304, 308 (D.D.C. 1964) and the Manual of           
          Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP) § 2173.05(q)(8th ed., Aug.                
               These citations do not support the majority’s new rejection            
          under the second paragraph of section 112.                                  
               The majority expressly characterizes Ex parte Erlich (which            
          was authored by one of the majority panel members) as non-                  
          precedential.  By its very nature, a non-precedential opinion               
          does not and cannot provide legal support for this rejection.  In           
          addition, the indefiniteness issues discussed in Erlich and in              
          MPEP § 2173.05(q) involve claims directed to processes for using            
          a material without reciting any steps as to how the use is                  
          actually practiced.  Contrastingly, the appealed claims are                 
          directed to processes for reacting an imine and hydrogen with               
          specific and considerable information as to how this reaction is            
          actually practiced.  While possibly applicable to “process of               


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