Ex Parte HOSHINO - Page 6

         Appeal No. 2002-0l08                                                       
         Application No.09/200,981                                                  

         terminal user does not match the stored fingerprint information            
         of the card owner.                                                         

              Lane teaches a self-authenticating card which includes a              
         fingerprint sensor for authenticating the identity of a user, by           
         comparing information related to a sensed fingerprint with the             
         stored fingerprint information.  An authentication signal is               
         produced if there is a match.  Lane’s authentication system takes          
         place at a client terminal but there is no second authentication           
         at a server.                                                               

              Maes performs an authentication at a server (e.g., box 108            
         in the flowchart of Figure 4) but there is no authentication at a          
         client terminal since all verification is performed at the                 

              The examiner attempts to combine these teachings in order to          
         arrive at the claimed subject matter “in order to increase the             
         level of security for user verification whereby the user is                
         verified at both the terminal, the financial institution server            
         and is granted authorization for executing the transactions when           


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Last modified: November 3, 2007