NICHOLS et al. V. TABAKOFF et al. - Page 29

              Interference No. 104,522 Paper108                                                                              
              Nichols v. Tabakoff Page 29                                                                                    
              Dr. Seifert and acknowledged by Nichols, while the FAB mass spectrum is not                                    
              inconsistent with the chemical structure drawn by Dr. Nichols, the FAB mass spectrum                           
              data alone is insufficient to independently corroborate that sample 9413-32-111 is in fact                     
              (NN-diphenyl)-4-ureido-5,7-dichloro-2-carboxy-quinoline ethyl ester. No additional                             
              data, e.g., NMR data, etc. have been offered for sample 9413-32-111. Further, the NIH                          
              did not determine the chemical structure or any other physical property of sample 9413                         
              32-111. Thus, none of Exs 2035, 2039, 2040 (Ex E) or F, alone or in combination,                               
              independently corroborate Nichols' alleged synthesis of (NN-diphenyl)-4-ureido-5,7                             
              dichloro-2-carboxy-quinoline ethyl ester. Additionally, Ex F is inconclusive as to                             
              whether sample 9413-32-111 would work for its intended purpose.                                                
                     Therefore, Nichols fails to meet its burden of proving that the July 13, 1994                           
              experiment resulted in an actual reduction to practice of an embodiment within the                             
              scope of the Count, i.e., that the theoretically expected product was obtained and would                       
              work for its intended purpose.                                                                                 
                     In summary, Nichols fails to meet its burden of proving that any of its                                 
              experiments begun on (a) April 11, 1994, (b) May 3, 1994, (c) July 1, 1994 or (d) July                         
              13, 1994 resulted in an actual reduction to practice of an embodiment within the scope                         
              of the Count before Tabakofrs June 6, 1997 effective filing date.                                              
                     B. Derivation                                                                                           
                     Notwithstanding the failure to prove an actual reduction to practice, Nichols may                       
              still prevail if it can prove that Tabakoff derived the subject matter of the invention from                   

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