Ex Parte BARNES et al - Page 7

          Appeal No. 2004-1031                                                        
          Application No. 09/448,952                                                  

               The obviousness rejection of claims 5 and 7 through 11 is              
          likewise sustained because appellants have chosen to let these              
          claims stand or fall with claim 1 (brief, page 5).  The obviousness         
          rejection of claim 4 is sustained because appellants have not               
          presented any patentability arguments for this claim apart from             
          those presented for claim 1 (brief, page 30).                               
               The obviousness rejections of claims 12 through 14, 16 through         
          28 and 30 through 41 are reversed because we agree with the                 
          appellants’ arguments (brief, pages 12 through 16) that the                 
          examiner has not presented a convincing line of reasoning for               
          modifying the film/movie image teachings of Dieterich with the              
          medical image teachings of Kohm.  The examiner’s reasoning (i.e,            
          “improving image quality, depending on the modality”) (final                
          rejection, page 3) is nothing more than the examiner’s unsupported          
          opinion.  The factual question of motivation should be resolved             
          based on evidence of record, and not on the subjective belief and           
          unknown authority expressed by the examiner.  In re Lee, 277 F.2d           
          1338, 1343-44, 61 USPQ2d 1430, 1434 (Fed. Cir. 2002).  As indicated         
          supra, the teachings of Kohm would have only suggested that the             
          tone of the film/movie images in Dieterich be adjusted based upon           
          the descriptive data.  Stated differently, nothing in the applied           


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