Ex Parte Gelardi - Page 26

          Appeal No. 2004-1302                                                        
          Application No. 09/789,757                                                  

          of the tray is not clear, it is apparent to us for the reasons              
          explained above that it would not have obvious to modify the                
          container of Blanco in view of the teachings of Dallmer to                  
          provide an additional opening in the sidewall of the Blanco                 
          container.  For this reason, we also shall not sustain the                  
          rejection of claim 28 as being unpatentable over Blanco in view             
          of Wynalda and Dallmer, it being noted that this is a reversal on           
          the merits and not merely a procedural reversal.                            
                              New Grounds of Rejection                                
               Pursuant to 37 CFR § 41.50(b), we enter the following new              
               Claims 9, 15, 20 and 26-32, 34-37, 39, 40, 43-50 and 64 are            
          rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 112, second paragraph, for failing to            
          particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter              
          which appellant regards as the invention.                                   
               The test for compliance with the second paragraph of Section           
          112 is “whether the claim language, when read by a person of                
          ordinary skill in the art in light of the specification,                    
          describes the subject matter with sufficient precision that the             
          bounds of the claimed subject matter are distinct.”  In re Merat,           
          519 F.2d 1390, 1396, 186 USPQ 471, 476 (CCPA 1975).  In other               


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