Ex Parte Ozawa - Page 22

               In Fig. 10 we are therefore modifying the ordinate of Fig.        trace cross-section is not correct. With Eq. (5) we give a            
           9  by  a  multiplier  {P(w=0.2  mm; I=1  A)/P(w;I)}-0.07,  each       transformation law for other values of trace thickness.               
           being a constant for the board model. Experiments with the                                                                                  
           exponent exhibit that for the pure FR4 model a value around -                                                                               
           0.07 gives the best correlation coefficient indeed. The data                                                                                
           points  for  the isotropic board model 1 are closer together                                                                                
           now, and the trend is very similar to the low conductivity                                                                                  
           board from Fig. 7. For the other models the scatter cannot be                                                                               
           removed. We suspect that the already mentioned temperature                                                                                  
           dependent influences and the 3D structure of the boards are                                                                                 
           beyond the capacity of the simple theory presented in Sect.                                                                                 
           4.1. For example boards 2,4,6 have the same copper content,                                                                                 
           but significantly different thermal resistances of the trace. A                                                                             
           posteriori, this  justifies  our  initial  numerical  approach  and                                                                         
           rules out oversimplified usage of  Eqs.  (3),  (4)  and  their                                                                              
           extrapolation to other scenarios. One should always bare in                                                                                 
           mind, that for a trace thickness t other than 35 μm, Eq. (5) is                                                                             
           still valid.                                                                                                                                

                                                                             Figure  10:  Re-scaled  thermal  resistance  of  the  trace  in           
                                                                             scenarios 1 ( ), 2 (˝), 4 (x) and 6 ( ) from Table 1.                     

                                                                             x   We also test our numerical model successfully against                 
                                                                                 new experimental results which were undertaken for a                  
                                                                                 revision of IPC-2221, called IPC-2152.                                
                                                                             x   For more up-to-date 3D board structures, we calculate                 
                                                                                 new  graphs  for  trace  temperature rise as function of              
                                                                                 electrical current  and  trace  width.  The  better  the  heat        
                                                                                 spreading, the lower of course the temperature, and the               
                                                                                 higher the allowable electrical  current.  Not  only  the             
                                                                                 copper content in the board influences the temperature                
                                                                                 but also the isolation  distance  between  trace  and  first          
                                                                                 copper layer. To understand the underlying dependencies               
                                                                                 on board parameters like conductivity, thickness and heat             
                                                                                 exchange  coefficient,  we  adopt  a simple  semi-analytic            
                                                                                 heat transfer model: the trace is cooling like a plate and            
                                                                                 the board around is cooling like a heat sink fin. Although            
                                                                                 being far from an analytic 2D solution, Eqs. (11) and (14)            
           Figure 9: Uncorrected numerical thermal resistance of the             are the principle scaling laws for the thermal resistance of          
           trace in scenarios 1 ( ), 2 (˝), 4 (x) and 6 ( ) from Table 1.        a trace under conditions of  constant material and heat               
                                                                                 exchange properties.                                                  
           5. Conclusions                                                                                                                              
                                                                             x   The numerical  results for non-homogeneous boards and                 
               The aim of  this  article  is  twofold:  first,  we  want  to                                                                           
                                                                                 temperature dependent heating and cooling properties are              
           reproduce the graphs in design rule IPC-2221 by numerical                                                                                   
                                                                                 not easily put into an analytical framework. The fact that            
           model calculations and to review it critically, second, we want                                                                             
                                                                                 boards with same copper content but different vertical                
           to calculate current-temperature correlations for more up-to-                                                                               
                                                                                 position of  layers  have  significantly  different  cooling          
           date board scenarios.                                                                                                                       
                                                                                 characteristics justify our initial numerical (CFD-)                  
           x    As for the graphs in IPC-2221, we find that electrical           approach.                                                             
                engineers should be warned against regarding the graphs         Subject  of  future  work  are calculations with forced                
                as being universal, and taught that its usage is restricted  convection  cooling,  metal  core  or  metal laminated PCBs,              
                to certain board and trace geometries: a board with 35μm     PCBs inside enclosures multiple heat sources and much more.               
                copper layer on the back and a long trace of thickness       Some analytical work has already been done [10] and some                  
                35μm. The simple dependence of trace temperature on          numerical activities have already been started [11]. Another              
           Adam, New Correlations Between Electrical Current and …                                      20th IEEE SEMI-THERM Symposium                 

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