Ex Parte Oosterholt et al - Page 2

                 Appeal 2007-0897                                                                                      
                 Application 09/741,926                                                                                

                        1.  A device for presenting information units, comprising history                              
                 means for storing references to presentable information units into a history                          
                 list, the history means comprising:                                                                   
                        user operable navigation means for changing a current position in the                          
                 history list, and                                                                                     
                        presentation means for presenting an information unit referenced by                            
                 the reference at the current position, and                                                            
                        compilation means for user operably compiling a set of references to                           
                 desired information units, wherein the compiled set of references includes                            
                 both previously viewed and un-viewed information units, and storing the                               
                 references of said set according to the time of their inclusion into the history                      
                 list so as to present an information unit referenced by the compiled set in                           
                 response to a user operating said navigation means                                                    
                        The following references are relied on by the Examiner:                                        
                        Horvitz   US 6,067,565        May 23, 2000                                                     
                                                                                     (Filed Jan. 15, 1998)             
                        Kulkarni   US 6,310,630 B1        Oct. 30, 2001                                                
                                                                                    (Filed Dec. 12, 1997)              
                        Claims 1 through 14 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103.  As                                  
                 evidence of obviousness, the Examiner relies upon Horvitz in view of                                  
                        Rather than repeat the positions of the Appellants and the Examiner,                           
                 reference is made to the Brief and Reply Brief for Appellants’ positions, and                         
                 to the Answer for the Examiner’s positions.                                                           


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