Ex Parte Dart et al - Page 33

                Appeal 2007-1325                                                                              
                Application 10/065,722                                                                        
           1    within the scope of rejected claims 83 and 88-89 and claims dependent                         
           2    thereon.                                                                                      
           3          However, it is probably the case that Dart intends to cover a                           
           4    "chamber" of the type described in ¶¶ 1053 and 1054 as being a "gap."  The                    
           5    gap is created by intentionally designing the depth of the mounting element                   
           6    to be shorter than the depth of the recess so that a "gap" is created for the                 
           7    purpose of creating a reservoir to keep the top of the lid dry.  In our view,                 
           8    the features of the "gap" are not necessarily translated into claim 84 through                
           9    the use of "chamber."                                                                         
          10          If this were an infringement case, we might be inclined to construe                     
          11    "chamber" as being the "gap" described in ¶¶ 1053 and 1054.  However, this                    
          12    is not an infringement case.  The application is pending before the Patent                    
          13    Office and time to avoid any possible problem in the event claim 84 is                        
          14    issued in a patent is while the application is pending.  To put off a claim                   
          15    interpretation issue on to the public and a district court is not an efficient                
          16    implementation of the patent system.  See e.g., Graham, 383 U.S. 18 (to                       
          17    await litigation is—for all practical purposes—to debilitate the patent                       
          18    system).  We are confident that Dart can probably amend claim 84 in such a                    
          19    manner as to (1) more clearly set out what Dart regards as its "chamber"                      
          20    invention, (2) overcome our concerns and (3) would meet with the approval                     
          21    of the Examiner.  We note that the Examiner has not rejected claim 84 over                    
          22    the prior art.  We likewise know of no basis for rejecting the claim over the                 
          23    prior art, provided it is further limited consistent with the views set out                   
          24    above.                                                                                        


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