Ex Parte Yamamoto - Page 4

                  Appeal 2007-1723                                                                                           
                  Application 10/893,962                                                                                     
                  Boisvert                      US 6,064,165                  May 16, 2000                                   
                  Whinnery                      US 6,822,410 B2               Nov. 23, 2004                                  

                      1. Claims 1 and 5-12 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as                                        
                         unpatentable over Redelberger in view of Barge.                                                     
                      2. Claims 2 and 3 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as                                           
                         unpatentable over Redelberger in view of Barge and further in view of                               
                      3. Claim 13 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as unpatentable                                   
                         over Redelberger in view of Barge and further in view of Whinnery or                                
                         Rather than repeat the arguments of Appellant or the Examiner, we                                   
                  refer to the Briefs and the Answer for their respective details.  In this                                  
                  decision, we have considered only those arguments actually made by                                         
                  Appellant.  Arguments which Appellant could have made but did not make                                     
                  2 Although the Examiner did not include this rejection in the Answer, it is                                
                  nonetheless under appeal.  See Br. 1 (appealing rejection of claims 1-3 and                                
                  5-13); see also Answer 3-5 (“Grounds of Rejection” section including only                                  
                  claims 1 and 5-12).  We therefore presume that the Examiner intended to                                    
                  incorporate by reference the specific grounds of rejection for claims 2 and 3                              
                  in Examiner’s Final Rejection mailed Dec. 13, 2005 in the Answer.                                          
                  We remind the Examiner, however, that under current practice, the Answer                                   
                  must clearly state all points relied upon in previous Office actions and                                   
                  should not incorporate previous statements by reference.  See MPEP                                         
                  § 1207.02 (“An examiner's answer should not refer, either directly or                                      
                  indirectly, to any prior Office action without fully restating the point relied                            
                  on in the answer.”).                                                                                       
                  3 This rejection, too, is not included in the Answer.  As with claims 2 and 3,                             
                  we presume the Examiner intended to incorporate the grounds of rejection of                                
                  this claim from the Final Rejection in the Answer.  See n.2 supra.                                         

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Last modified: September 9, 2013