Ex Parte Hui - Page 1

                       UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                           
                             BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                            
                                        AND INTERFERENCES                                                  
                                        Ex parte ANGELA T. HUI                                             
                                            Appeal 2007-3197                                               
                                         Application 10/871,131                                            
                                        Technology Center 1700                                             
                                        Decided: October 29, 2007                                          
               Before EDWARD C. KIMLIN, THOMAS A. WALTZ, and                                               
               JEFFREY T. SMITH, Administrative Patent Judges.                                             
               KIMLIN, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                        

                                        DECISION ON APPEAL                                                 
                      This is an appeal from the final rejection of claims 1-20.  Claims 21-               
               37 stand withdrawn from consideration.  Claim 1 is illustrative:                            
                      1.  A system for in-situ surface treatment in fashioning a memory cell               
                      a gas distribution system that selectively provides a fluorine (F) based             
               gas into a processing chamber; and                                                          

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Last modified: September 9, 2013