California Fish and Game Code CHAPTER 6 - Fishery Management Plan Preparation, Approval, and Regulations

  • Section 7075.
    (a) The department shall prepare fishery management plans and plan amendments, including any proposed regulations necessary to implement plans or plan amendments, to be submitted to...
  • Section 7076.
    (a) To the extent practicable, and consistent with Section 7059, the department shall seek advice and assistance in developing a fishery management plan from participants in...
  • Section 7077.
    A fishery management plan or plan amendment, or proposed regulations necessary for implementation of a plan or plan amendment, developed by the department shall be...
  • Section 7078.
    (a) The commission shall hold at least two public hearings on a fishery management plan or plan amendment prior to the commission’s adoption or rejection of...

Last modified: October 22, 2018